Summertime bounty
This is the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
We have pears on our tree that are just getting ripe. I made a lot of pear preserves and pear halves last
year so we have given away several this year. Our granddaughter likes fresh pears so she was really enjoying picking her own this weekend. Most of the ones on the ground in the picture have also been enjoyed by the deer!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday my husband and I both took off work and went fishing! It was so relaxing, sitting in the boat together, just enjoying each other's company. The fish weren't really biting, so I did some reading and worked in my puzzle book. My husband did catch three bass, but threw them all back. It was a beautiful day!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Thankful for my grandmothers
Two nights last week after work my husband and I attended Revival at a little country church not far from our house. As I sat in the church I was flooded with memories of my mother, grandmother and great grandmother who had all attended this small church at one time or another. I think I had even visited as a child with my mom too when we were here on vacation (my dad was in the military and we always lived away until he retired). It made so very thankful that I had generations of women behind me who were faithful in taking their families to church! I hope someday my children will be thankful for that too!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Natures sweet bounty
We picked a bushel of peaches Saturday, they were beautiful. Monday afternoon, we canned peaches in syrup and peach pie filling. Can't wait to try them both this winter!
Granddaughter Caitlyn is doing great, you can't tell she ever had surgery at all! School starts Monday for her and little sister will start Pre K. They grow up way too fast!
Granddaughter Caitlyn is doing great, you can't tell she ever had surgery at all! School starts Monday for her and little sister will start Pre K. They grow up way too fast!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
She's coming home!
My daughter, son in law and granddaughter are at the airport in Chicago waiting to fly home to Arkansas. Her surgery went well, she will have a kidney ultrasound in 4 to 6 weeks here at home and will go back to Boston in 6 months to a year depending on the ultrasound results. God has blessed us so much during this time, the kindness and prayers and generosity of everyone has been wonderful.
We are so thankful for His healing hand on Caitlyn!
In other news we canned tomatoes this morning! I use them in so many things that I am always happy to have more to can, we did vegetable soup last weekend so the pantry is filling up. My mother and my mother in law both gave us okra too, so we have been enjoying fresh fried okra, there is nothing like it!
We are so thankful for His healing hand on Caitlyn!
In other news we canned tomatoes this morning! I use them in so many things that I am always happy to have more to can, we did vegetable soup last weekend so the pantry is filling up. My mother and my mother in law both gave us okra too, so we have been enjoying fresh fried okra, there is nothing like it!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Praising the Lord!
We are so thankful for Lord's healing hand. Caitlyn left the hospital today feeling well enough to tell her mom she wanted to go to the Children's Museum today! Her mom explained that she wasn't quite ready for outings yet but I am so happy that she feels that well after major surgery. They have gone to the Inn that the hospital has and will be there thru next week, Caitlyns post op appointment will be next week. I am so very thankful for all of the prayers offered up for Caitlyn from our loved ones and from those who do not know her. God has truly blessed us and taken care of all of us through this trying time.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Granddaughter's Surgery
This morning my daughter, son in law and granddaughter left for Boston. Caitlyn will have pre op tomorrow and Wednesday they will do the surgery. We appreciate all of the prayers and kindness of so many, God has truly blessed us. I know that Cait is in his loving care and she's going to be just fine.
We have the younger sisters with us for this week and partially next week. I took off so they could have one week of not being sent here and there, next week I have all kinds of volunteers to help out with them, that is a blessing too.
This morning I got up with my husband and started peeling apples to can apple pie filling. I got it all canned before any little girls woke up! It looks pretty sitting on the countertop cooling. I am going to let the little girls in the wading pool later and we have lots of fun stuff to do!
Please keep Cait in your prayers!
We have the younger sisters with us for this week and partially next week. I took off so they could have one week of not being sent here and there, next week I have all kinds of volunteers to help out with them, that is a blessing too.
This morning I got up with my husband and started peeling apples to can apple pie filling. I got it all canned before any little girls woke up! It looks pretty sitting on the countertop cooling. I am going to let the little girls in the wading pool later and we have lots of fun stuff to do!
Please keep Cait in your prayers!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
We were blessed with rain!
Tuesday we were blessed with the rain we needed so badly! The garden was very happy to get a good drink from nature instead of a water hose. Hopefully our cucumbers will start producing again, they are covered in blooms and the lima beans may have a chance too.
We also got the good news that all of our six grandchildren will be with us Saturday for our BBQ. I am anxious to have them all here together - reminds me of times at me grandma's house when all the cousins were together we had such good times. Family is so important!
We also got the good news that all of our six grandchildren will be with us Saturday for our BBQ. I am anxious to have them all here together - reminds me of times at me grandma's house when all the cousins were together we had such good times. Family is so important!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Despite the dry weather, we put up dill pickles yesterday! We also shelled two quarts of purple hull peas for the freezer. We are watering the cucumbers and tomatoes and praying it will rain soon to help with the other veggies we have planted. Vegetables just seem to like rain better then being watered with a garden hose! It is a very hot 98.9 degrees in our part of Arkansas today, so we are just enjoying our Sunday afternoon inside until we go back to church this evening. God blesses us everyday even though we fuss about the heat sometimes. The rain will come just when he thinks we need it the most.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Baby Joy
Yesterday my son and his wife became parents of a little boy! He is our first grandson, Ethan Douglas weighed in at 6lb. 12oz., 19 and 1/2 inches long and a head full of red hair, just like his sister! God is so good to us, it was a very easy delivery, mom and baby both doing well.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Garden news
My husband pulled up the last of the english pea vines and pulled the last sprigs of broccoli from the garden yesterday. We shelled peas and put them in the freezer, nothing tastes better then home grown peas in pea salad! He also pulled all of the onions and lettuce , we have really enjoyed some wonderful salads this year, we grew romaine, bibb and red lettuce, only wish our tomatoes had been ready at the same time as the fresh lettuce. We are hoping the rest of the garden does well, it seems like it's an every other year cycle with our garden, last year we had an overabundance and canned 72 quarts of green beans, 64 pints of pinto beans and too many tomatoes to count. So this year we aren't expecting quite so much. However, we are thankful for whatever the Lord allows us to harvest.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Simple Womans Daybook
The Simple Woman's Daybook
You can
Outside my window - It's dark, can still hear some cicada.
I am thinking - My daughter-in-law is due in one week, so basically we are expecting a baby anytime now!
From the kitchen - My husband grilled fish tonight, with coleslaw and fried potatoes.
I am wearing - a green tee shirt and brown shorts.
I am creating - a pink gingham apron for someone at work.
I am reading - new issues of Country Home and Taste of Home.
Around the house - need to vacuum, didn't get to it this weekend.
One of my favorite things - scrapbooking.
A few plans for the rest of the week - we have decoration this weekend in Antoine.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Good News - God answers Prayers!
My daughter, son in law and grandbaby got home from Boston with great news! The surgeon there believes he can fix the reflux in Caitlyn's kidney. Without the reflux it should help with the infections and he also believes as she gets older and matures her bladder will retrain itself to completely empty. So, while we may have to continue to catherize her for a while, that should diminish until she is no longer catherized at all! God has really answered our prayers in every area of this situation. People have been so generous with donations and with prayer. They will go back to Boston in July for the surgery. I will be babysitting Calleigh and Bella for the first week and then various other relatives will help the second week. Thank you dear Lord for your blessings!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Simple Woman Daybook
The Simple Woman's Daybook
You can
Outside my window........It's a little cloudy out and I can hear birds and cicada.I am thinking.......that it's been an enjoyable time babysitting my youngest grandbaby. She has been so sweet and good the past few days.
I am thankful for.......God's blessings, he has really blessed us in the current medical situation with my oldest granddaughter. So many people being so generous and kind and lots of prayers going up for her.
From the kitchen......I made lasagna last night, we might have leftovers tonight, not sure yet!
I am wearing..... pink shirt, blue shorts, I need to change for the day.
I am creating......a real bond with this youngest grandbaby, she is so sweet and we haven't had a lot of one on one time before now.
I am going.....back to work tomorrow after a couple of days off this week.
I am reading.....a book about Robert Frost right now, a gift from my oldest son.
On my mind.....My oldest granddaughter, she is in Boston for appointments at the Children's hospital.
Around the house.....Need to dust!
One of my favorite things.....hearing a baby's sweet giggle!
A few plans for the rest of the week....going back to work tomorrow, but will still have grandbaby tonight and tomorrow night. Her great grandparents will have her during the day.
Monday, May 9, 2011
My daughter, son in law and granddaughter are in Boston. They arrived yesterday and have an appointment at Boston Children's hospital today. We are praying for good news! God's hands have really showed in all of this trip! People are so kind and generous. We had a car wash benefit to help with expenses and such a wonderful group of people showed up and helped and donated time and money! I want to thank everyone involved, God Bless you everyone!
I am babysitting the 20 month old while they are away and another grandma has the four year old. It's been quite an adventure so far. She is a sweet little girl and being so good for nana.
Mother's Day was lovely, I've heard from all my children and had my Mom and Mother in law for dessert Sunday afternoon. I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day.
I am babysitting the 20 month old while they are away and another grandma has the four year old. It's been quite an adventure so far. She is a sweet little girl and being so good for nana.
Mother's Day was lovely, I've heard from all my children and had my Mom and Mother in law for dessert Sunday afternoon. I hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Let there be light!
Monday night during the terrible storms we lost power. Friday night it finally came back on, I said a thank you prayer - not only for having power again but for the fact that power and a tree is all we lost. Watching the news and seeing all the devastation really made me thankful that we still have our home and our loved ones are all safe and sound. I am praying for all those families who were not so fortunate.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Simple Woman's Daybook
You can find more posts at
I am thinking.......about work tomorrow, got lots to do.
I am thankful for....... a good husband who cares about my happiness.
From the kitchen......I was late coming in tonight so it was a Marie Callender dinner from the freezer and a salad.
I am wearing..... a pink and white nightgown.
I am gifts for babies due at church.
I am babysit for Kristen Thursday, Caitlyn has an appointment.
I am reading.....mostly devotionals and the bible right now.
On my children, hoping they will make wise choices.
Around the house.....dishes need put away, but I'll probably wait till morning.
One of my favorite things.....clean sheets off the line.
A few plans for the rest of the week....working and babysitting!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Simple Womans Daybook post
Read other Simple Womans Daybook posts at
Outside My Window...
It's a beautiful afternoon, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. I can see the hummingbird feeders I hung Saturday and the petunias I put in my planters.
I am thinking...
About Caitlyn's trip to Boston and praying all goes well there.
I am thankful for...
My family and extended family.
From the kitchen...
Salad and a beef vegetable dish from the crockpot that will go over white rice.
Salad and a beef vegetable dish from the crockpot that will go over white rice.
I am wearing...
Scrubs, I just got home from work a little while ago.
I am creating...
I have been embroidering pillowcases.
I am creating...
I have been embroidering pillowcases.
I am going...
to be relaxing with my husband this evening.
to be relaxing with my husband this evening.
I am reading...
been reading my Open Windows devotional every morning.
On my mind...
been reading my Open Windows devotional every morning.
On my mind...
Children and grandchildren
Around the house...
Around the house...
I put petunias in the big pots out front and a small pot of petunias and one of verbena on the front porch
One of my favorite things...
Watching the first hummingbird at the feeder
Watching the first hummingbird at the feeder
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
Hopefully some sewing.
Hopefully some sewing.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
This is my first post, I have always found that writing something down makes me feel better, whether anyone reads it or not! We have a trial in our lives right now, our oldest granddaughter is going through some health issues now. She is a beautiful seven year old with curls and big eyes, she has a kidney reflux and neurogenic bladder and yesterday her parents, other grandma and I went to learn how to catherize her at home. Her bladder never fully empties when she goes by herself so to keep infections down and help the bladder we are going to empty it completely for her. She has an appointment with a specialist May 9. As hard as this is we have certainly seen the hand of God in everything, the hospital here is very overbooked and understaffed by their own admission and she has not been able to always have tests in timely manner. God has worked on that - her dad found a Childrens Hospital in another state and they called our hospital for records and set the appointment all in one day!! The financial strain was a worry too, but an anonymous person has paid for the plane tickets to the appointment! Wonderful people and churches have offered to help and I am overwhelmed by what God has done with this situation, he is good all the time.
God also balances the trials in our life with blessings, our first grandson is due the end of May. We
have five beautiful granddaughters that we are thankful for, but it will be nice to have a little boy added to the family!
God also balances the trials in our life with blessings, our first grandson is due the end of May. We
have five beautiful granddaughters that we are thankful for, but it will be nice to have a little boy added to the family!
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